How to send an announcement (invitation, save the date, etc)

You can send your announcements, like invitations, save the dates, etc to guests quickly and easily using Say I do. To get started, navigate to the Announcement Cards section in the main navigation and if this is your first announcement, click 'Create New', selecting the type of announcement you wish to send.

Designing your announcement

In the design step, you can make changes to suit your vision. If the design you are using is pulled from your website, you can make changes to your website design and come back here to see them reflected.

Writing your message

If you're sending via email, this step is important so don't skip it! This is where you introduce what you're sending to your guests, and will be the first thing they read. It's also what the email service provider spam filters read, so make sure it's detailed. We have some tips on how to avoid spam filters here.

Sending your announcement

Once you've perfected your announcement and your message, prepare to send it by:

  1. Ensuring you have selected your recipients
  2. Selecting your sending method and previewing the announcement
  3. Hitting send!

Usually the sending step will take about 5 minutes, after which you can review the results of your send.

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