Can I invite my guests using WhatsApp/Messenger/Instagram/Telegram?

The way of sharing your website, at its core is your website address ( This is the like the street address to a location in that it is unique to one thing, website in this case. It can be shared on any platform, including WhatsApp, SMS and any other messaging application.

If you want to send the Invitation or Save the Date design rather than the website address link, you can download the image that is created for your email invitation. Firstly, it is recommended that you turn off the "Link" in the Design step:

A screenshot of the Link option in email announcements being switched to off.

You can then download the image in the "Message" step of the creation process, you just need to have the "Full-Screen View" switched off:

You will then need to go to the "Send" step and send the preview to your email:

Once you have received the email you can download the image onto your computer. Once the image is "Saved", you can upload it directly into WhatsApp or other messaging apps, and share it as you normally would. Don't forget to send your website address along with it!

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