What is a unique website link and what is it used for?

A unique website link can be used if you want to share personalised links with your guests, that will show them the website with their details already included, removing the need for guests to find their name in your guest list.

When you share your regular website address, all guests get the same info displayed to them until we can determine who is viewing the website. However, when you share the unique website link, each party has their own link, so we can show guests the details that are relevant to them. This includes:

  • Their party name is shown to them, so they can confirm they are in the right place
  • They do not have to find their name in your guest list in order to RSVP, instead they will see the RSVP with their name already in it
  • Any sections that you have opted to only show to some guests, will show if the party has access
  • Any private events will show if the party has access

Note that you will need to share the unique website links to each party individually, and you should be careful not to share the wrong unique website link with a guest or in a non-private method of communication.

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